Air receiver testing, when did you last have your compressed air receiver tested?
Air receiver testing is important to test your compressor air receiver at regular intervals throughout its working life. Under pressure your receiver’s wall thickness does wear down and in extreme circumstances, left un-checked could lead to the receiver exploding. We have also noticed the thickness of new receivers are very close to the legal limits of operation.
You should also have a Written Scheme of Examination if your receiver is a certain type and is included in the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 which came into force in February 2000.
Click this link to have a look at the pdf leaflet.
Under this scheme the receiver will have a schedule of dates in which the receiver should be tested.
Our engineer will come to your place of business and check your receiver using specialist’s equipment. If the receiver passes the legal limits you will be issued with a certificate to say the receiver has been passed and is suitable for use. On the case that it is not our engineer will issue a certificate condemning the unit.
[ This is not a legal document and it will be up to the individual how they proceed ]
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